
Tourist information

A snapshot of Ilomantsi

Founded in 1875
23rd largest municipality by area (3172 km²)
The easternmost municipality on the mainland of the EU
100 km of border with Russia
Neighbouring municipalities of Lieksa and Joensuu (Tuupovaara, Eno)
Nearest airport, railway station and inner harbour in Joensuu
Distance to Joensuu 72 km and to Helsinki 511 km
Kalevala municipality since 1982
About 4.500 inhabitants

A snapshot of Ilomantsi

Tourist information

Our tourist information point is open in June, July and August at Luontopirtti Mesikkä in Parppeinvaara Poetry Village. Opening hours in June and August daily from 11 am to 5 pm, in July daily from 10 am to 6 pm. Other times from September to May on Wednesdays from 12 noon to 4 pm.

Pogosta's information point on Kalevalantie is open between 28.6. and 31.8. ma-pe from 10 am to 4 pm.

Our helpline is available on phonenumber +358 50 3377 379. You can also send a email to

Tourist information
Ilomantsi guide

Ilomantsi quide

You can found the Iomantsi quide 2023 (in Finnish) from here.

Ilomantsi quide 2023
Contact form

Contact us

Here you can find the contact information of the Tourist Information and a contact form where you can send a message directly to the tourist information e-mail.

Contact us