Welcome to Ilomantsi!

How to get to Ilomantsi

You can get to Ilomantsi with your own car, or by bus or taxi from Joensuu. The nearest airport is in Joensuu, from where you can get to Joensuu by public transport and then by bus or taxi to Ilomantsi. In Joensuu there is also a train station, where you can get by InterCity and Pendolino trains. 

By car to Ilomantsi

When you have arrived in Joensuu, turn onto national road 74 which leads directly to Ilomantsi. It is 74 kilometers from Joensuu to Ilomantsi. The distance from Helsinki to Ilomantsi is about 510 kilometers.

Ilomantsi map
By bus to Ilomantsi

When you have come to Joensuu by plain or by train you can continue to Ilomantsi by bus. Bus station is near by the railway station. There are several buses a day from Joensuu to Ilomantsi, depending on the day of the week. 

You can found the bus schedule from here.

Bus satation
By train to Joensuu

The nearest train station is in Joensuu at Itäranta 12, 80100 Joensuu. At best, the train journey from Helsinki to Joensuu takes a little over four hours.

You can buy train tickets and get more informataion form this website: Joensuu railway station - VR

By plane to Joensuu

The closest airport to Ilomantsi is in Joensuu at Lentoasemantie 30, 80140 Joensuu. Flight time from Helsinki is about one hour.  There is a bus connection from the airport to the central bus station in Joensuu. You can also rent a car from the airport, see more from this website: the Joensuu airport.

You can find the Joensuu airport flight schedule from this website: Finavia homepage.

Traveling in Ilomantsi

There is no public bus shifts in Ilomantsi at summer time, from June to end of August. At the other times, a few school busses run in some areas.

Getting around in the municipality of Ilomantsi is best done by car. People travelling by bicycle must take into account the long distances between different places. 

If you are going hiking, you can take a taxi that will take you to the starting point and pick you up at the end point of your route.

Please don't be hesitate to ask help from Ilomantsi tourist info, phone number +358 50 3377379.