A quick view of Ilomantsi

Ilomantsin vaakuna kolme kannelta


Founded in 1875
23rd largest municipality by area (3172 km²)
 The easternmost municipality on the mainland of the EU
100 km of border with Russia
Neighbouring municipalities of Lieksa and Joensuu (Tuupovaara, Eno)
Nearest airport, railway station and inner harbour in Joensuu
Distance to Joensuu 72 km and to Helsinki 511 km
Kalevala municipality since 1982
About 4,500 inhabitants


Did you know that Ilomantsi has

the EASTERN POINT of the European
municipal SWIMMING HALL with four swimming line
​the largest ORTHODOX WOODEN CHURCH in Finland
municipal cinema KINO MANTSI
lively JUDO CLUB Toroo-Kai
quite a few TSAUNAS
international BEAR FESTIVAL
published POSTMARK
traditional POGOSTA SKIING competition
the legendary local newspaper POGOSTAN SANOMAT


Matt Whiting's Europe: "I drove to FINLAND'S MOST EASTERLY POINT"